Breaking The Misconceptions About The Rummy Game
Online Rummy has become as popular amongst Indians as the traditional offline version. Rummy is a social game played at family gatherings, its online version has created some reservations and misconceptions within the minds of the general population. This post will try to break certain myths surrounding online gaming platforms and card games.
Not as Enjoyable as Playing Offline
As is widely known, Rummy is a popular card game in India. No social gathering of friends and family is complete without a game of Rummy. Before the internet, numerous groups of women regularly met to play Rummy in the afternoons. Now most log in to the online free rummy platforms for their regular fix of Rummy. Some may think that online Rummy is boring compared to the offline version. They say they miss the camaraderie and the regular gossip sessions that went alongside. Apart from the gossip that can be done at any time, internet gaming is exciting and has its thrills. One can play at multiple tables at any time of the day. There is no waiting for a suitable time for everyone. One can improve one’s skills and find tables at par with one’s gaming level.
It is Difficult to Learn
It is difficult only for those who have not tried their hand at the game. The online rummy apps have numerous practice games to improve skills. The rules and regulations are easy to pick up, and most online rummy gaming apps give a detailed rundown on them. There are even explanatory videos that can be seen to learn the nuances.
The online rummy card gaming platforms have various tables with different skill sets. You can start at the primary level and move ahead as you acquire better skills. As you progress in skills, you can play and become an expert.
Rules are Complex
Again only those who have never played the game find the terms and rules challenging to follow. The game’s online versions offer the traditional variety of the game to play. Albeit, there are many versions of online Rummy. Still, those who want to play the conventional Indian variety can easily find numerous such tables on the free rummy apps. Almost all rummy apps have an attractive user interface that is easy to navigate. Rules and terms are easy to follow as there are practice games, demos, and more.
It is a waste of time to go online for card games
Different strokes for different people. Some feel any form of entertainment or fun is a waste of time. Others think that online gaming is harmful and breeds a sedentary lifestyle. We cannot argue about the pros and cons of online gaming here; that requires an altogether different forum. However, online Rummy allows people to relax and indulge in some fun and entertainment. If so inclined, the competitive spirit can be indulged too. One can participate in tournaments and earn rewards. Online Rummy is not mindless, pressing some random buttons, but requires focus, strategy, memory power, and strategic decision-making skills.
Costs much Money
It is believed you need a lot of money to play Rummy online. It is a myth. There are numerous free rummy apps all over the web. Many games are free of cost. You can play free rummy games with real rummy players or rummy cash games to win real money or rewards with minimum amount. RummyCircle offers you both.
The games are Rigged and Unsafe
The online rummy platforms have the latest cyber security features.
All online transactions and winnings are credited to the players’ accounts automatically. All platforms have standard payment gateways such as Paytm, PayU, NetBanking, UPI, cards, etc. Moreover, rummy apps are secured with an SSL certificate, thereby providing security of payments.
The Supreme Court has declared in its 1996 ruling that Rummy is a game of skill. Players are assured of fair play in card dispersion as it is done through automation. This automation is ensured through a Random Number Generator or RNG, which is a must for all certified online Rummy platforms. This RNG is a software that provides random outcomes for any tasks undertaken in the playing of Rummy—be it shuffling, dealing, etc.