What Permissions Does The Rummycircle App Ask For And Why?
With rummy becoming a widely popular online game, there are millions of people who play rummy on their mobile phones and tablets. RummyCircle itself has over 10 million registered users. To play the game, one only needs to download the app on a mobile device. While downloading might not be a problem, one encounters some prompts from the system while installing the rummy online app. The app may ask for various permissions from the user like any other mobile apps such as access to the contacts, microphone, bank account registered with the platform etc. that users have to agree to before they can register on the platform.
Why It Seeks Permissions
The rummy online app may ask for permissions to make sure that it can keep a tab on the activities of the gamer and make sure that they do not deviate from the terms of service.
All the permissions requested by the app are the technical manifestation of the Terms of Service that one has to agree to while registering for the service.
- Players need to make sure they can play this game. While that obviously means that they need to be of legal age, it also means that they cannot play if they are from certain states such as Telangana, Nagaland and Sikkim. To this extent, RummyCircle also does not offer their services in these states.
- There are gamers who may use bots and other external help to get the upper hand in a skill-based game like rummy. To prevent this, RummyCircle needs to ensure that the player is not using any unfair means to win. To that effect, it may need permission to access system files and system activities.
- There are some gamers who may hold the RummyCircle platform for loss of money or other issues. Since this is a purely skill-based game, it makes little sense blaming RummyCircle for loss of money. The terms state that if the player accepts it, they are aware they any win/loss is solely due their own performance.
- While agreeing to the Terms of Service during registration, the app may also request for personal information like name, email address, postal address, telephone number etc. This is needed to verify the user account and to add cash to the account. If the correct details in all the fields are not provided, one will not be able to play since the account will not be verified.
Account verification is a very important step of playing rummy since there is an opportunity to get cash rewards. RummyCircle needs to ensure that an actual human is playing and there are no bots. RummyCircle might contact users anytime on their registered contact number to verify their account. If they are not able to get in touch with the user after multiple attempts, they might suspend the account till the proper documents are furnished – both on rummy app and web version.
- If one doesn’t make available the required permissions, the user might need to provide documentary evidence in support of the contention.
- RummyCircle may need to ensure that a user is not allowing anybody else to use his or her log-in credentials and play using his or her user account. This is both to ensure the fairness of the game as well as make sure the player doesn’t get cheated.
- RummyCircle may seek some permissions to send notifications. This is normal of any app and in fact, could be beneficial to the player. Notifications are important for a rummy player since the platform organizes tournaments regularly wherein the user gets a chance to play rummy online for real money.
- If a user attempts to use their account for anything other than gaming, the platform might terminate their account. The user will need to agree to these terms during registration. However, to ensure this, the platform may need access to the user’s chat and calls.
- By checking the Terms of Service box during registration, the user also agrees that he or she don’t have the right to transfer any sum of money from the account to any other RummyCircle user.
- RummyCircle is legally mandated to deduct tax at source from winnings if they exceed INR 10,000 in a single tournament or game. One might also need to furnish his or her PAN number for this. By granting permission to the app to access personal data, users also authorize RummyCircle to verify the PAN, which it needs to make sure that the user has deposited the required Income Tax and is eligible to withdraw the money won.
The terms of service also list the consequences of breaching them. They include penalties such as restricting the user from playing games if one is suspected of cheating to permanently suspending an account and forcing the user to forfeit the cash balance in their account, based on the seriousness of the infractions.